EU Integration Facebook gameSo you think you know about the EU? Well, test it out thanks to Facebook. I’ve created a test in the Facebook application ‘Traveller IQ’ that tests if you know where cities that have been important in the history of the EU are actually located. Schengen anyone? Some of the questions are tough and others a bit quirky, but I hope it’s at least a fun way to learn a bit more about EU integration. If you are a member of Facebook this link will take you straight to the application.


  1. My wrist is killing me after the regular Europe, Asia, africa and North America games. Ill try yours after Ive recovered… but good on you for setting it up.

  2. Hi Jon,

    This is just to inform you that your “game” futures in the next edition of my book “Succedding in the EU Oral examinations” as an intersting example of how game playing could help candidates to learn EU related issues.

    I really hope that you will keep enhancing the questions.

  3. Good work 🙂 Now go back and take back #1

  4. OK, I’m back to Number 1 – 148,114 pts 🙂

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